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For Manufacturers and Installers
The way to get projects estimated by industry leading aluminium window estimation specialists.
How Does it Work?
Input the project and upload the relevant architectural documentation.
An estimator is assigned to your project based on it's requirements and their skillset.
Estimators can then take the information and create an estimate based on your set guidelines and requirements whilst carefully keeping track of their time.
Communications take place over the platform.
The estimator provides the estimate.
Project estimation tracking
File and link management
On platform communication
RDP and TeamViewer integrations with options to allow unattended access or require permissions
Get assigned to projects based on your expertise, track your time and have open communication to manufacturers/installers. Take your career to the next level and apply today to become a freelance estimator for the BidBox platform.
You may be eligible if you have experience some or all of the following: